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Sekolah Terbaik di Gading Serpong

Sekolah terbaik di Gading Serpong adalah Stella Maris International School yang memiliki kurang lebih 2000 siswa, sekolah yang berpengalaman selama 18 tahun Stella Maris merupakan sekolah favorit di daerah Gading Serpong.
Stella maris memiliki dua (2) program yaitu :
1. Nasional
2. Internasional

  1. Stella Maris has more than 18 years of experienced in the world of education and will remain to commit to prepare the nation’s generation completely through the Platinum Generation Program.
  2. Stella Maris appreciates and guides each child’s talent both in the academic and non-academic to become unique and superior people.
  3. Program:
    • National Program: The Stella Maris National Program develops the national curriculum and is enriched through the internal program so students have the balance between cognitive, affective and psychomotor ability. In the learning process we also apply the bilingual learning in order to make the students be able to advance their English ability and have the provision for the future levels of education.
    • International Program: Stella Maris International Program develops the Creative Curriculum in the early childhood so children may feel that learning is joyful (joyful learning) and continues with the Cambridge curriculum that emphasizes on the academic ability as a strong foundation which is then refined with the IB Diploma Programme that emphasizes on critical thinking and problem solving through the project based learning. Stella Maris International Program uses 3 languages (Bahasa Indonesia, English & Mandarin) in the learning process and also a multicultural environment in order to make students have good interaction and respect to other cultures as well.
  4. Stella Maris equips the students with the Entrepreneurship Program in hope that all the graduates of Stella Maris can be a successful enterpreneur in the future.
  5. Stella Maris is concerned about the children’s character development and emphasizes on some learning programs through Spiritual Life, Character Building, Live In, Leadership and Behavior Awareness.
  6. Stella Maris also have the Student Exchange Program where students are given the chance to study in other countries as well as experiencing the different cultures, and an Inclusive Schooling Program where we welcome the students who have special needs to receive normal education as the others do and be able to adapt with the environment. And, we are also helped by professionals to handle the students.
  7. Stella Maris applies the Platinum Triangle Concept that involves the active participation and support of teachers, students and parents. We focus creating citizens who are global, smart and entrepreneur.
  8. Teachers of Stella Maris have a huge passion in teaching and are dedicated to support the students to achieve their potentials.
  9. Stella Maris provides the students with various and an attractive CCA (Co-Curricular Activity), Club and Learning Center to support the talent of each students.
  10. Stella Maris has facilities and environment to support the teaching & learning process in the schools.
  11. Stella Maris gives appreciation to students who has achieved well by giving them motivation and to optimize the opportunities to participate in various of competition nationally and internationally.
  12. Stella Maris is concerned with all the national and global issues around the world such as Earth Day, Global Warming and many kinds of other world-wide issues and we apply it in various school activities as our contribution.



Cyberpreneurship adalah suatu kegiatan usaha dan bisnis dengan menggunakan peningkatan teknologi computer terutama internet, dalam hal ini usaha dan bisnis yang dipromosikan menggunakan brosur elektronik yang di kenal dengan homepage pada internet.
menurut saya cyberpreneur sama dengan Infopreneur. yang infopreneur sendiri berasal dari kata "information" dan "enterpreneur"
 Infopreneur adalah orang yang bisnis utamanya adalah berbagi dan menjual informasi elektronik, contohnya seperti membuat blog / website, memasarkan produk sendiri / produk orang lain. pada umumnya adalah seorang enterpreneur yang menghasilkan uang dengan cara menjual informasi melalui internet. profesi ini sudah ada sebelum internet berkembang dengan pesat. biasanya mereka menjual informasi melalui audio cd, cd room dll.
 Enterpreneurship adalah seseorang yang berani mengambil suatu langkah untuk memasuki sebuah aktifitas tertentu atau menyambut suatu tantangan yang baru, di dalam enterpreneurship terdapat tiga hal yang paling penting yaitu : creativity-innovation, opportunity-creation, dan calculated risk- taking.
 tujuannya lebih kearah penyediaan berita, layanan sms, layanan diskusi, layanan direktori atau hal umum yang diinginkan orang lain.


berspeda malem

berspeda malem with phoncer judulnya. nahh... ini dia, pengalaman yang menurut gua "tak terlupakan" (lebay dikit..hehehe). berspeda malem with phoncer ke KOTA TUA, tapi bukan ke kota tua doang. pergi'y istirahat di bunderan HI terus pulang'y mampir di MONAS !! assikk gga tuh' . poko'y ada rasa cape, laper, haus, ngantuk, badan pada pegel-pegel TAPI seneng bray... di acara yang ini, hampir semua anak-anak PHONCER ikut semua'y !! acara ini kalo engga salah tanggal 17 juli 2010. buat yang udah ikutan acara ini thank's berat nih bro-bro  phoncer.

buka puasa bersama

buka puasa bersama with phoncer dilaksanakan pada tanggal 5 september, lebih tepatnya pada bulan suci ramadhan 2010. buka puasa bersama ini berlangsung di rumahnya dody ( gua sendiri ) yang salah satu dari sahabat phoncer. diadakannya  buka puasa bersama ini untuk saling bersilaturahmi dan juga untuk menjalin lebih erat lagi hubungan persahabatan para sahabat-sahabat phoncer. nah, acara ini engga kalah serunya ama acara-acara yang laen. soalnya di acara ini nih ada PS2 nye. seru kaga tuh' jadi selesai makan-makan langsung maen PS, pokonya ajiibbb... 
buat yang udah hadir diacara ini, thank's berat nih bro & sist sahabat phoncer.

touring anyer

touring anyer yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 27-28 desember 2009. touring anyer ini yang ikut cuma 10 orang doang bro... pokonya yang kaga ikut, pasti nyesel dah !! gini-gini nginep'y di villa.. (gaya kan-hahhahah) villa nelayan namanya. terus malem'y ada acara manggang-manggang... azib dah. oiia, masalah perjalanan pulang-pergi alhamdulillah lancarrrrr..